Ofsted Compliance

This page sets out what must be published on the school website in one easy-to-access area for all interested parties.  Guidance on what maintained schools must publish can be found here:  What maintained schools must publish online - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

All school policies can be accessed HERE  

School Contact details                              Governors' Information                                Values and Ethos

Admission Arrangements                          Pupil Premium                                             School Opening Hours                                   

Ofsted Report                                         Special Educational Needs & Disability            Remote Education

Exam and Assessment Results                   Careers Programme Information                    School Uniform

Curriculum Information                            School Financial Information                          Performance Tables

Paper copies of anything on our website can be requested from Mrs Jenny Piper at j.piper@clere.school       

Equality Objectives   

Behaviour Policy

Charging & Remissions Policy  

School Complaints Procedure