Values and Ethos

Our Vision 

The Clere School insists on high expectations. Pupils must work hard, be set challenging learning activities, which are appropriately supported, and demonstrate exemplary standards of conduct, respect and appearance.

Our Aims 

We believe in high standards. We provide a learning environment in which the aptitudes and interests of each individual child are recognised, respected and fully developed.

We offer a variety of strategies to develop each pupil as an independent co-operative learner.

We match the curriculum to the needs of the individual so that each pupil develops confidence and a sense of achievement through learning.

We encourage and celebrate all achievements within and beyond the curriculum. We provide continuous professional development for all staff.

We believe in partnership with parents. We seek consistently to develop this further and to enrich the curriculum through involvement in our community. 

The Clere is a caring school in which we encourage all members of the school to respect themselves, each other, our local community and the environment.