Careers Programme & Work Experience
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance
Careers lead: Mr. A. Deasy (Lead Practitioner) Contact: or 01635 278372.
We offer a bespoke programme of careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) designed to give students age-appropriate information about different progression routes and careers options, and to develop the skills they need to be able to pursue their goals. Our careers education provision is predominantly delivered through the PSHE curriculum, supported by assemblies, workshops, external speakers, work experience and one to one careers guidance interviews. The information we provide is reviewed annually.
Work Experience 2025
Work Experience 2025 will take place between Monday July 14th and Friday July 18th, 2025.
Please view the presentation below which was delivered by EBP, our Work Experience providers, on Thursday October 24th. Please take this opportunity to familiarise yourselves with the key information which was shared on the evening.
Work Experience Information Webinar
All students will need to complete an on-line application form, even those who are sourcing their own placements.
The deadline for completion of both of these applications is Friday January 17th, 2025, which provides families with a 12 week window, in which to plan which route they think will be best for their child, discuss work experience preferences, source own placements and complete applications.
EBP intend to share information regarding student placements with the school in the week commencing Monday June 16th, 2025, providing students with a four week window to make contact with employers and to make any pre-placement visits.
Student Guide to Work Experience
Own Placement Forms
Please use the link below to access the on line application form has been share with you previously, but is also included below.
Julia and Ainslie from EBP, will be in attendance at the Year 10 Parent Consultation Evening on Thursday November 14th, based in English 5 (Next to the Assembly Hall) to assist with any on-line applications or to answer any further queries that you may have.
Completed Own Placement forms should be returned to Mrs Brockbank in the School Office.