GCSE Examinations

GCSE Results Summer 2023

Percentage of students achieving both English & Maths at Grade 5

2023 Results:  39%         National Average:  45%

Percentage of students achieving both English & Maths at Grade 4

2023 Results:  61.5%

Progress 8 

2023 Results:  -0.73      National Average:  -0.03

Attainment 8

2023 Results:  38.6        National Average:  46.3

Average EBACC Points score

2023 Results:  3.17        National Average:  4.05

Percentage of students entering the EBACC

2023 Results:  15.4%        National Average:  39%

Percentage of students staying in education or going into employment

2023 Results:  96.2%        National Average:  94%

GCSE Examination Timetable for Summer 2024

Information for Candidates - Written Examinations

Information for Candidates - Coursework Assessments

Information for Candidates - Non-Examination Assessments

Subject Examination Board

GCSE, Tech Award courses and Exam Boards

Self-certification Form
for candidates who have missed an examination

Self-certification Form

GCSE Factsheet

GCSE Factsheet


Certificates are normally not available until November, a presentation evening is given to celebrate this.

Year 11 Students can call the School to arrange collection after this date.

Statements of Entry
You will be given an individual timetable showing your exams in March.

All information must be checked thoroughly including personal details and exam entries

Check with the Exams Officer as soon as possible if:

a) you are unsure about anything

b) you think you have any EXAM CLASHES

c) you are expecting to take exams soon but have not received a timetable of your exams


GCSE Subjects offered at Key Stage 4, including other awards, in 2022

Additional Mathematics FSMQ (other general qualification (Level 3)

Art & Design

Art & Design (Photography)


Business Studies (Single)


Computer Studies/Computing

Design & Technology

Drama & Theatre Studies

English Language

English Literature





Hospitality/Catering Studies (Technical Award)



Physical Education/Sports Studies


Science: Double Award

Social Science: Citizenship

Speech & Drama (Technical Award)