Staff List

Staff List for September 2024

Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Jayne McLaren - Headteacher

Ms Kate Davidson - Deputy Headteacher

Mrs Jennifer Piper - School Business Manager

Mrs Sandra Kirton – Assistant Headteacher (Curriculum and Timetable)

Miss Rebecca Vaughan – Assistant Headteacher (Behaviour and Welfare)


Mrs Katy Street - Curriculum Leader 

Ms Kate Davidson

Miss Nicola Stringer

Mr Jack Szklarek

Mr Mark Todd



Mrs Rachel Goldsworthy - Curriculum Leader

Mr Adrian Deasy – Lead Practitioner (Progress, Attainment and Assessment)

Mr Kierran Boggis 

Miss Julia Noyes    


Mrs Theresa Wilson - Curriculum Leader

Mr Eric Friar - Key Stage 3 Leader (Years 8 and 9)

Mr Artur Liszka

Technology (Resistant Materials/Graphics/Food)

Miss Katie Ridgers - Design & Technology Lead

Mrs Joanne Noden

Mrs Samantha Rabehi


Mr Philip Blagg - Head of Humanities


Mrs Kate Allnutt

Mr Jamie Payne


Ms Rebecca Vaughan – Assistant Headteacher

Ms Bianca Myatt

 Religious Education

Mr Jack Wilson - Head of Year 7 and Transition

Modern Foreign Languages

Mrs Karine Hutcheson - Head of Department

Ms Kirsty Collar


Mrs Sandra Kirton – Assistant Headteacher

Art and Photography 

Mr Grattan Keating - Head of Department

Performing Arts

Mr Simon Lawson - Head of Key Stage 4 (Year 10 and 11)

Physical Education

Miss Corinne King - Head of Department

Mr Jack Wilson

Computer Science

Mr Jamie Payne


Ms Kirsten Griffiths

Administrative Staff

Jenny Piper - School Business Manager

Val Brockbank - Secretary

Anna Cottam - Finance Assistant

Ingrid Deevey - Examinations Officer and Senior Admin Assistant

Alison Dixon - Attendance Officer

Carolyn Hill - Receptionist & Attendance

Marilyn Robson - Reprographics / Welfare Assistant

Jane Stockwell - Receptionist & Attendance


Lisa Mackley - ELSA

Cover Supervisors

Harry Fu

Oliver Clutterbuck

Site Staff

Paul Mardell - Site Manager

Rodney Kite - Site Assistant

Pastoral Support Worker

Tara Chandler

Donna Perry

Learning Support Assistants

Laura Annetts

Romana English

Ashley Greenwood

James Hardy-Giles

Dawn Kent

Alison Mitchell

IT Support

Megan Batchelor


Bruce Howe - Design & Technology

Melanie Lawrence - Food Technology

Mrs Jackie McGee - Science Technician

Lucy Vickerage - Art and Food Technician